Addiction medicine specialists have extensive knowledge and advanced training in Addiction medicine. They can diagnose, treat, and even cure people with addiction. They are able to understand and adapt treatments for patients based on their individual needs. Advanced training is also available for addiction medicine physicians in the treatment of substance use disorders such as opioid abuse disorder, alcohol abuse disorder, and tobacco use disorder.
Addiction medicine doctors are more aware of the interplay between substance abuse disorder and other social and structural determinants. Many of our patients have suffered from stigmatization and shame as a result of policies and practices that discriminate against those who struggle with substance abuse disorders. Addiction medicine doctors can be strong advocates for patients and drive public policy that promotes wellness in society and among patients.
However, the number of doctors who specialize in treating substance abuse disorders has increased significantly. It is important that doctors receive more education in addiction medicine and collaborate with other specialists in the field, like endocrinology and cardiology.